
Thursday, 8 November 2012

The Giveaway Winner!

A big thank you to everyone who entered my giveaway - and a big thank you to Wholeport for generously sponsoring the giveaway and supplying the prize.

And apologies, too.  I meant to draw this earlier today but a migraine combined with a magazine deadline has made today an especially difficult day.  Maybe it'll teach me not to leave magazine projects to the last minute?  We'll see.  I doubt it somehow, but I guess we can live in hope...

Anyway, we have a winner!

Pulled from the hat (well, plastic IKEA mixing bowl, actually, if we're being pedantic) without much ceremony at all (sorry, not feeling like ceremony right now)...

...our winner is:

Jenna Odie

Jenna: I'll try and get in touch with you to arrange your prize - if I fail, please feel free to email me (my contact details are here).

Everyone else: I am sorry there's only one winner but if you head over to Wholeport's free sample page you may still feel like a winner because you can get free stuff!!


  1. Wow! Thank you! I never win anything so I'm all excited now. Email's on its way...

  2. Well, you can't say you never win anything any more! Congrats, enjoy your win! x


Thanks so much for your comment - every single one is appreciated and I do read them all.