Sunday, 28 July 2013

Handmade Monday 127

Welcome to another Handmade Monday.  Come on in, take a seat and enjoy the company!

My week has been blighted by computer problems yet again (how is it these things take up sooo much time when they go wrong?).  It seems I have a hard drive failure for the second time in around 12 months.  I'll spare you all the boring details, but it's causing me a lot of frustration!

I've also been busy designing some new digi stamps - which is largely a computer-free task for me (at least in the beginning stage) so that was pretty refreshing and managed to transport me to a happier place!  I'm planning a range of humorous images, which I'm quite excited about, but they are still in the early stages yet.  I'm hoping to be able to show you them next week sometime.

But I do have a new superhero digi stamp to show you.

He was based on a clock design I did for one of my 1st Unique Gifts customers. I love the fact that he's a cute little boy being a superhero!

Over to you for Handmade Monday!  What's your week been like?


Jill Spain said...

I am sorry about your computer problems and can understand your frustration at this. I am completely lost without my computer, but do wonder how I managed to survive before I had one - a pen, calculator and ordinary phone just doesn't seem to cut it now, doe sit? Looking forward to the humorous digi-stamps. Hope you have a better week computer-wise

Unknown said...

Love your Super-Boy stamp! I wonder if the Prince received any cards using your stork digi stamp? You never know!

Anonymous said...

Computer problems are the so annoying as sorting it out seems such a waste of time! Glad you enjoyed some creative time as well, the stamp looks good! It looks like there's no linky thing again, hope it's not more computer mal function!

Dawn Hart said...
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Dawn Hart said...

Computers can be such a nightmare sometimes, looking forward to seeing your new stamps.

Wendy said...

Patchwork Fairy - haha, not computer gremlins this time but - ahem - user error! Hopefully it's in place now and ready to roll at six! x

Lucy Blossom said...

Computers can be the most infuriating things at times, yet nowadays we really can't do without them for long. Love the Superhero stamp - I know lots of little boys who'd love that. Any plans for a Super girl one? I equally know a few girls that love to play at being Superheros.

Wendy said...

Ooh Lucy, I love that idea. It's one of those "why didn't I think of that?" ideas - yes, I think Supergirl may be making an appearance sometime soon! Thank you x

Highland Monkey's said...

How did we manage without all our gizmos! Hope you get it sorted once and for all.

Sarah - The Lilac Dragonfly said...

I am totally lost without my laptop/iPad/iPhone!!! Sad really lol.
Hope technology works better for you this week!!
S x

MadBirdDesignsUK said...

I really appreciate the computer problems, my main desktop is also broken.

Lots of wonderful talented bloggers on here again!

Ginx Craft said...

Your superhero is lovely. I'm sure he will be popular, as he is probably how most of us see our sons.

Anonymous said...

This describes my youngest perfectly. He spends a lot of time dressed up as super hero's. I am sure this will be popular with similar boys!! I hope your computer gets better very soon ;)

Free Spirit Designs said...

oh no! computers are wonderful things until they go wrong aren't they.. then they're the worst idea anyone ever had... :/ i hope your technical hitch is sorted soon!

oooh i can't wait to see your new humorous collection! i love superboy, so cute :) x

say it said...

Love this new stamp. And I like that the images come with a co-ordinating sentiment, so it makes them easy to use. Great idea.

Julie said...

Computer problems are so tiresome - I sympathise Wendy. Did a bit of a booboo loading my link - my apologies (I have terribly dippy moments at times). I couldn't see anyway to delete or amend them.