
Sunday, 18 January 2015

Handmade Monday 200

Hello and welcome to the 200th Handmade Monday!

I've spent quite a long time (months!) thinking how I want to go forward with my various different creative endeavours.  I've been aware for such a long time that I'm doing far too much - spreading myself too thinly - and because of that I know I'm not doing any of it justice.

I've been needing to take a step back for some time now.

And I've decided to concentrate more on illustration and less on handmade, which leaves me in a slightly tricky position with Handmade Mondays!!  In fact, Handmade Harbour itself may turn out to be altogether the wrong name for the direction I'm going in.  Still, one decision at a time!

So I've decided that the 200th Handmade Monday is (rather sadly) going to be the last one.  I'm sorry - I know this might come as a bit of a shock to some of you. 

200 is a nice round number, a good place as any to end what has truly been a wonderful journey (which is all down to the fabulous Handmade Mondayers and that really amazing sense of community).  It feels like it's the right time.

I was worried about where all that wonderful creativity, sharing and friendly community feeling was going to go, but I have found what I think is a lovely solution...

Planet Penny has recently started a Happy Fridays linky party.  If you haven't visited Penny's blog before, please do pop over and check it out - it's full of colour, fun, knitting and crochet (and an incredibly cute dog).  And I've chatted via email with Penny, who agrees that Happy Friday could be just the place to accommodate handmade projects that have made you happy in one way or another!  Of course, it could be something else altogether that's made you happy, in which case that's going to be perfectly fine too.

I may even meet you over there myself quite soon.  It looks like just the sort of linky party I'd be happy to join in with.  

And speaking of happy...

Quentin the guide dog puppy is now one year old!  There wasn't any celebration, to be fair, but Dave came home from work and sang happy birthday to him, which made me smile!

Quentin will be seeing the Guide Dogs vet again later this week - I'm sure they have the scan results by now.  He's still hopping around on three legs from time to time, so nothing has changed.  But he's happy enough the rest of the time.  

So, for the last Handmade Monday...


  1. As an occasional contributor to HM, i have found all the fellow crafters to be such a warm and encouraging bunch, so I will miss this wee group (btw I may not be able to contribute this wk as my hard drive went kaput and I only have my ipad at the moment) however I totally understand the spreading yourself too thin bit, something has to give! So thank you for the time and energy you have put into this great blog, it will be missed but we'll all keep crafting and hopefully 'bump' into each other along the way! Xx

  2. I will be sorry to not have this every week - really hope to continue to keep reading about everyone's adventures. Best of luck with whatever you end up concentrating on Wendy. Xx Alison

  3. Oh, I can't say I'm not feeling a bit sad, as Handmade Monday has been the best link party that I've taken part in. Lots of positive commenting, and I do feel I have made some real virtual friends. Good luck with your new projects, and thanks for being the hostess for such a long time.

  4. I just popped along to join in for the first time in a while to see it's going to also be the last time! Happy 200th, I'm sorry it will be the last, but understand that sometimes it can be very hard to find enough time for everything, and something's got to give. Good luck with the illustration, and thanks for what has been an amazing group to be involved in!

  5. I echo what has been said so far.

    I've made some good blogging friends thanks to Handmade Monday.

    I wish you all the best xxxx

  6. I am also sad to read that Handmade Monday will be no more, but I've just edited my blog post to suggest continuing on a Monday blog link party which I will host - but only if people want. I've learnt so much from everyone here and I don't want it to end.

    Happy Birthday Quentin, and take care Wendy.

  7. I totally understand what it feels like to spread oneself too thin, i know it must have been a hard decision to discontinue HM but i'm sure you will reap the rewards of having more time to dedicate to your illustration work. Thank you so much for hosting it for so long! and for all the kind comments you have left on my blog in the past. Sunday evenings just won't be the same without a catch up with my fav crafty folks but i'm sure i'll stay in touch one way or another with you and the HM regulars :)

    Lots of love to you, Quentin and all at HM HQ! :) xxxxxxxxxxx

  8. Oh no! What a shame, I so look forward to sharing what I have done over the last week and reading what all the other wonderful bloggers have been up to. Sunday night will never be the same again :( Having said that I fully understand how difficult it is to keep all the plates spinning and would like to thank you for hosting such a friendly and positive link party and wish you every success with your illustration. Ooh and Happy Birthday to Quentin, I hope he will make a full recovery. x

  9. Congratulations on reaching such a milestone, Wendy, and the best of luck with your future ventures. I look forward to welcoming you and any of the Handmade Monday crew sharing the crafts which bring you pleasure, or the moments which make you smile with Happy Friday on Planet Penny.

  10. Gosh 200 is a huge amount of HM link ups, I've really enjoyed taking part in lots of link ups. I really need to check that I'm following all the blogs that take part each week so I can still visit them, I know that I already follow most of them but I'm sure there are a few who have been missed.
    I already follow Planet Penny (I love her blog) so I will be popping over to say hello.
    Thank you for hosting so many great Handmade Mondays and good luck in your other ventures. I'm sure we'll meet and say hello on the path ahead :)
    Jan x

  11. Thank you so much for hosting Handmade Monday so many time! It has been a real pleasure to stop by and link up. Good luck with everything and I look forward to seeing you over on Happy Fridays!

  12. Thank you so much for all your hard work hosting Handmade Monday. I have thoroughly enjoyed taking part and exploring everyone else's blogs and I'll definitely miss linking up! Good luck with your illustration work :) x

  13. Thank you thank you for everything. I will really miss this link up! x

  14. :-[
    Gonna miss HM and all of the other Artsy "Party"-Goers Here... BTW, THANK YOU for "introducing" me to Them! However, I do understand the Time-burden that all of This can be. I haven't had the "time" to Post myself in *months*!! Too busy with REAL LIFE and getting STUFF *MADE*. -- Anyhoo, I'll be sure to check out that FRIDAY Thingy... nuts! NOW I'll probably have to spend my Sunday-Afternoon HM-time on something domesticly-"productive". ugh!
    Meanwhile, do keep us posted on Quentin & everything else when you can.

  15. Congratulations and well done on a brave decision to acknowledge that you are growing in a different direction.

    Happy birthday to a sweet boy.

  16. Hi Wendy, I want to thank you for hosting this great link party. I have made so many new friends. It has been a great way to discover other blogs and get ideas. Your designs are lovely and I wish you the very best in your new ventures. I will miss seeing Quentin. Wishing you the very best, Pat

  17. Wendy one enormous thank you for hosting the friendliest link party I have been to, it has really stood out for me that people genuinely do visit and comment. It's been a real encouragement. All the very best as you concentrate on illustration:) Vicky

  18. Hi Wendy
    Thanks for so much for hosting Handmade Monday. I've found so many lovely blogs via you and also purchased from some great crafters (you included). I will be sad to see you go but will still pop by as the tale of how Quentin is progressing has got me hooked. Good luck with your further ventures.
    Ali xx

  19. Thank you so much Wendy. You have been such a true inspiration to me and your link party eased me into the blogging world easily! I will miss it terribly but I will still pop back and see what you have been up to. Thank you once more for all your time xxx

  20. I join in with everyone's comments as well. Thank you, and until we "meet" again...

  21. Sorry to hear this will be the last linkup - I would just like to add my thanks for doing this for all this time and I've really enjoyed joining your community here. Good luck in all you do, I will continue to follow your creative endeavours with interest! x

  22. Good luck with your ventures, Wendy, and many thanks for hosting the always interesting, supportive and helpful Handmade Monday.

    Jill, Christmas Pie Crafts

  23. Sorry to see Handmade Monday go - it really brightened my week and I've met so many lovely creative people. Thanks for hosting it so long, and happy birthday and best of luck to Quentin. Alison x

  24. This was such an amazing read. I always find something interesting in your blogs and at as well. That is a wonderful place to buy Online Handmade Goods online. Anyway, thanks so much and congrats on your articles!!


Thanks so much for your comment - every single one is appreciated and I do read them all.