Sunday, 18 August 2013

Handmade Monday 130

Hello and welcome to Handmade Monday!

I've been a bit wrapped up this week with setting everything up for the new Handmade Harbour design team, and now it looks like we are ready to roll with a brand new midweek papercraft challenge.  It will be weekly (every Wednesday), anyone can join in and the design team will be picking a winner every week, who will get a free digi stamp and a winner's blog badge (for bragging rights)!  To be in with a chance of winning, you'll need to use a Handmade Harbour digi stamp (this free digistamp of a cupcake will do!).

I'm hoping it will work in a similar way to Handmade Monday - you'll be able to link up in the same way and visit other bloggers.  It's called the Midweek Papercraft Party and each week there's a theme (although the first couple of weeks, the theme is "Anything Goes" which is kind of not quite a theme!).  If you're into papercraft, you are more than welcome to join in with your latest project!

Meanwhile,  it's still Christmas in August here. I've been working on making a snowglobe for Craftseller magazine and the snow gave me a few problems on this one!  Do you know how hard it is to track down white glitter in August? (Maybe that's a year-round thing, I don't know...) I trailed round art shops, pound shops, stationery shops.  Even my local (very large) Hobbycraft has a very limited supply of the stuff.  I didn't order it online as my deadline was so tight, but I wish I had done - I would have much preferred larger glitter (if you know what I mean) rather than the superfine stuff I bought from Hobbycraft.

the polymer clay cottage for inside the snowglobe

Keeping everything crossed just about worked out this time -  my superfine white glitter kind of looks and acts a bit like snow and - huge bonus!!the parcel arrived safely intact at Craftseller (posting a glass jar full of glittery water and a glued-down polymer clay model somehow seemed to be asking for trouble!).

What has your week been like?

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Pickle Lily said...

Looking forward to your snowglobe in Craftseller, tried making them with the Cubs several Christmas's ago, not too successful! ELC always have glitter in stock. Thanks for HM, Jo x

Planet Penny said...

Sounds very busy at the Harbour! I'm trying very hard not to think about Christmas but fingers in the ears and going la-la-la isn't really working! Have a good week,


Cocoa & Heart said...

Oh, it all sounds very exciting Wendy! I think you and your papercraft team are going to have a great time making cards and I look forward reading more and of course seeing the photos.

testing said...

Love the sound of your Midweek Papercraft Party! Your snowglobe looks fab.

Patchwork Fairy said...

The design team and the midweek challenge sound very interesting but stop tempting me to renew my
passion for papercrafting! There aren't enough hours in the day!!

Free Spirit Designs said...

hehe :) that does sound like a risky package! I'm really glad it arrived in one piece. You've inspired me to have a go at making a snow globe this year... what have i let myself in for!

your papercraft party is such a good idea, i'll definitely drop by when i can to check out what everyone's been up to x

Kitsch Stitch said...

Ooh gosh, I'd be nervous about posting that too!

I've yet to see a Craftseller magazine in the shops despite looking a lot, I'll need to get hold of the issue you're in!

Lucy Blossom said...

I shall look forward to your midweek challenge, I've been thinking about having a go with some challenges so I shall see if I can do it. It sounds like you've been very busy, can't wait to see the snowglobe.

CatkinJane said...

I bet you were holding your breath until the snowglobe arrived safely!

I'm a bit like Penny and still trying to ignore Christmas, only just started on autumn!

Christmas Pie Crafts said...

Well done on the snow globe, look forward to seeing it in print. the paper-craft challenge sounds great and I will definitely be back her eon Wednesday for the details. Hope you have a good week.

itsamistry said...

I'm not even thinking about christmas yet. I had some big white glitter I could have sent you some.

Wendy said...

The Christmas-ignorers among you are really just being sensible. I think I'd be with you if other people weren't pushing me for projects!

Anita - oh, if only I'd known! You wouldn't believe how many shops I trailed round!

I missed out the ELC, too, Jo! The key to snowglobes seems to be a little glycerine to slow down the "snow" falling! x

EleanorLucy Millinery said...

Whoa yet another string to your bow!! Go you! You must know by now that anything that glitters goes as far as I'm concerned, what a lovely idea! So relieved on eyour behalf of the successful postal journey too! ;)

Catherine said...

Can't wait to see the actual snow globe - glad it made the journey. Cx

marianna said...

just found your lovely blog and added you to my fav link parties. thank you for hosting a great party. best wishes.

Jan said...

I love snow globes, they are great to make with kiddies. The nice thing about them is they don't have to all about Christmas. :)

Jan x