Thursday, 15 March 2012

Updating Your Facebook Timeline Page

Thise of you who know me will know I'm not Facebook's greatest fan - I've always found it a bit clunky and confusing to use.  I'm not the best one to advise you on the new timeline!

I think the new timeline does look more attractive and I'm hoping it's more user-friendly.  I will be putting some time aside for updating my Facebook page very soon.

If you'd like to do the same and don't have much idea of where to start, have a look at Handmadeology's post about getting creative with your Facebook timeline page - it even includes exact dimensions for your images, to make things easier.  There are also some impressive pictures of people who have made the most of their cover image.

I've not started on my new page yet, but when I do, then Handmadeology is where I'll be heading for help!

P.S. If you're a bit of a Facebook expert and would like to write a post for Handmade Harbour to explain how it works for you in promoting your shop, then please do email me:


Unknown said...

I'd like to learn about FB. We have one set up as Anita Bonney (Founder of Bath Bomb Creations!) then Bath Bomb Creations is a page.

What I really wanted to set up was just Bath Bomb Creations so I might have gone a little wrong somewhere lol!

Unknown said...

That's a great post and there are some fabulous pages shown as reference points.

Unknown said...

That's a great post and there are some fabulous pages shown as reference points.