Sunday 9 February 2014

Handmade Monday 154

Hello!  It's Handmade Monday time again - come and join us!

This week has been particularly hectic.  My elderly parents moved house and hadn't packed a single box (unsurprising, as both have problems with their memory).  You can only imagine the chaos when the removal men turned up two hours earlier than planned!  They were fabulous though, and despite the mayhem, nothing was too much trouble for them. I would highly recommend Kitson's Transport if you live locally to their base in Atherton.

other family members took them to lunch 
and for coffee while we moved and sorted
(in the complex where they now live)

Mum and Dad's new apartment is now cosy and settled, but there is still much confusion in their minds.  Dad in particular is confused about absolutely everything and has wandered off twice already.  Each time he has been found within the building, so that's good (and he is now well known to the care team who are on site 24/7).  My sister and I still have a lot of work to do settling both of them and familiarising them with everything so we've established a twice-a-day visiting rota between us for now.

They have started using their medication organiser pockets.  Up to now, it's working well - but they are having more support than usual at the moment.

In other news, issue 34 of Craftseller popped through my letterbox.  I love that they published a letter from reader Terrianne George who made a cushion inspired by my seaside vanity case in issue 25.  I love seeing how other people have been inspired by my designs!

The seaside vanity case which inspired Terrianne's cushion was one of my favourite projects, and has pride of place in my sewing room now (below):

I also made the cards in the current issue, a project which shows off their free papers.  These cards had a Mother's Day theme.

I think that's enough from me for now.  What have you been making?


Christmas Pie Crafts said...

I am glad your parents move went well. I know it is a very difficult time for all of you, and I hope that having them somewhere that there is help and support available helps give you and your sister some peace of mind. Hope your dad doesn't do too much wandering off - or if he does that he is rescued before he gets lost. Lovely Craftseller feedback. So nice when someone is inspired by your work - makes it extra special. Hope you have a good week.

Free Spirit Designs said...

your parents are very fortunate to have you and your sister taking such good care of them as well as the rest of the family and the support carers at their new home, i'm sure they will settle well in time with so many kind people around to help :)

Your vanity case is completely gorgeous and very deserving of pride of place in your sewing room! Your cards look really fun too, you are so full of fabulous ideas! x

The Patchwork Fairy said...

Glad the move wasn't too traumatic for any of you, you certainly seemed to have worked hard to make it as easy for your parents as you could possibly do. The medication reminders are great - think I should make one for myself! I haven't had my craftseller mag yet and now I'm very excited as it should be here soon!

Autumn Thyme said...

Aww. bless them - I hope they settle in soon :) xXx

Karenladd said...

Your parents are so very lucky to have you to give them assistance and I am glad the move went well. Having had to help care for my elderly mother for the past several years of her life Ii know what a challenge it can be. I love your medication reminder project!

PoppyK said...

Good morning Wendy. I hope your parents settle soon in their new home.
Love the medication reminders....I could do with one myself!
Thank you again for organising Handmade Monday

Anna xxx

Jan said...

Moving house is a stressful time at best, I'm glad everything went well for you all, it makes such a difference when you have family support and a good and understanding removals firm.

Take care

Jan x

Martha said...

Moving house for the elderly - how familiar this topic sounds to me! We have had the same problem with my bf's grandparents(both aged 100 and 94 respectively) - the only difference is that grandad refuses to move anywhere as he thinks he's gonna die in a care home. We tried convincing him to move to a sheltered accommodation where there would be better care and safer facilities - but it has always been a "NO". Hope your parents will settle down and feel comfy at their new place. I can only imagine how demanding and tiring regular visits can be as it is always a bit commitment.

Ali said...

Hi Wendy, I'm glad to hear your parents move went well and that the staff are great. Peace of mind for you and your sister. The cushion inspired by your vanity case looks wonderful.
Ali x

Gail said...

Hi Wendy - I've have sent the e-mail again . Address is correct so I can only assume the original message will turn up eventually.


Lucy Blossom said...

I'm glad the move went well, once they're settled you will be able to stop worrying quite so much, and its great that they already know to be on the lookout for your wandering dad. Your head must be bursting with lots of creative ideas and its great that its inspiring others (me included) Have a good week.

Stephen said...

Good to hear that the move went well. I hope your parents enjoy their new home.