I've made a lot of progress this week but it doesn't feel that way! I'm in the process of writing up a project for Sewing World magazine, I've made a start on the project I'm making for Abakhan, I've sold (rather than given away free!) a pattern on Craftsy, oh! and I've finally published my caravan doorstop pattern on Craftsy too.
It doesn't end there. Oh no. Possibly most importantly, of course - I've finally made a button for you to grab for Handmade Monday! I sooo hope it works, because it's possible I shall be tearing my hair right out if it doesn't. All that code just drives me mad (how do some people manage to work with it all day long?). I don't think bald would suit me, so hair-tearing isn't really a good idea, although it could save me a lot of bad hair days, I guess.

Feel free to grab the button from the button in the sidebar (or above) by copying and pasting the code into your own blog - and (despite my whingeing paragraph above) please let me know if it doesn't play nicely!
You'll also notice a button in the sidebar for the Blog Train - the idea is to gain more visitors and followers. It appears slightly odd to begin with (and some of the English is decidedly dodgy!) but don't let that put you off. You'll find lots of interesting blogs, and they'll find you too.
If nothing else, it's made me feel good outlining some of the stuff I've been doing here, because it feels at the moment that everything is going too slowly, that I have far too much to do and that I'm wading through treacle. Still, at least I feel I'm wading in the right direction!
tea and bunting - very British
If, like me, you're here in the UK, you may be enjoying your extra-long four-day Jubilee weekend and some sort of celebration tomorrow in honour of the Queen's sixty years on the throne. Street parties, anyone? Looking at the weather forecast, it seems our Queen might be even more influential than I'd imagined - there appears to be a day of (albeit slightly cloud-covered) sunshine on Monday wedged quite carefully between two rainy days. Perfectly planned, Your Majesty - thank you so much. I'm not wishing to sound ungrateful, but it'd be great to extend that sunshine a little!
Royalty aside, it's time for you to leave your link.
Have grabbed the button and it's loaded great on my blog :)
I'm off to put the button my blog too.Be back later to link.
I don't think that you came accross too grumpy at all. I know what you mean as I love the idea of adding the button but have to say am hesitating simply because of the work it involves! You are talented in so many ways, you can't be wonderful at everything. :)
Button works great, happily sat on my blog. Love the bunting and teapot. Ali x
I agree, the teapot and bunting is very British, I'll have a go at the button later, I'm off for a cuppa, be back later :)
Jan x
Oh, thank you for being so quick with your feedback on the button - so glad it's working!! :-)
I know the treacle effect well, 2 steps forward and 3 back. Well dome on your sale and thank you for the button have added to the main text just need to add to the sidebar
Sadly the 'Treacle Syndrome; strikes frequently - one step forward and at least three backwards. Sounds like you have had a very productive week though and well done on your sale. thank you for the HM button - added with pride to my blog. Hope you have a good treacle-free week.
Hi Wendy - nice to be back! Am heading to try and put the button on my blog - thank you! Mich x
I am, one of the first to say that computers don;t make errors, it;s us humans. However, I added the Blog Train button to my blog, easy peasy. I received an email from Ali and Jan saying my blog was still there but all of my spots had disappeared. Check everything, no obvious reason, so started to work backwards and removed the Blog Train button and all the posts came back. I know, I know - as I say I know its us and not the computer (well most of the time), but very weird.
Thank you for the pretty little button, I didn't know how to do it myself but luckily my other half does this website code thingy for a living so he could help me :)
I have lots to do at the moment too but they all seem to be quite tedious and long tasks! I am hoping to use the extra 2 days this weekend to shorten the to do list! Enjoy any Jubilee celebrations you might have! X
Er, helps to spell - I Meant all of my posts and not my spots!
You have had a busy week, lovely button, if only I knew how to do it. I will have a look later to see if I can do it otherwise I will be asking someone for close instructions for the stupid. I do have Handmade Monday written in my side panel but gawd knows how I did it.
I will get back if I can't cos I would like one on my blog. lol.
Will grab the button and add it to my blog later :-) I think I might just have to get your pattern for the door stop! Have a good week xx
I'm all linked up now with the button and it works fine!I know what you mean about trudging through treacle!
Love the button and have added it to my blog, well done you for creating it.
I really dont know how you do all you do in a week, you are amazing. I love the teapot design.
I agree, it is good to list your achievements, as i makes you realise just how much you HAVE got done! :)
HM button installed and all working well - i agree that HTML starts to swim before your eyes, it really is a whole other language!
Hi, Gonna grab the button now...How addictive is the Blog Train?? I have my window open all the time....between that and Pinterest its a wonder i get anything done. xx
Oh, don't know what to do first... check out the other blogs or grab my button...???
i didnt make it to the hand made monday linky party this time :( too much to blog, publish and write about although i hoped i could make it by noon.
i have just helped myself to the button :) it will always remind me of the blog fun somewhere out there :)
love the tea pot and bunting sewing, how lovely!
I know what you mean about feeling as if things are not moving fast enough- I feel like I should be doing *more* but that said, I probably should be then heh! Hope you feel better soon- you're doing an amazing job!
I pinched a button! <3xx
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