Sunday 19 August 2012

Handmade Monday 80

Welcome to Handmade Monday.

This week I've been busy with some things for Craftseller magazine again.  I've been working on a couple of things which will be part of a 2013 calendar (yikes!) with an upcycling theme - little gift boxes and my hanging hearts from here.

The gift boxes are something I learned to do way back in about 1990 - a lovely lady called Betty* who used to run the Mums and Tots group showed me this technique - she used to make them from old Christmas cards every year and used them for tree decorations, among other things.  I was fascinated then, and they still fascinate me now.

They're incredibly addictive - once you start making them, it's hard to stop  and it's not an expensive addiction: they certainly lend themselves very well to recycling.  They're really quick and easy, too.

I'm also going to be working on a diary cover for Craftseller, but I have to wait a while to receive some papers which are currently being designed for a giveaway in the same issue.  The theme is Paris in the springtime which sounds quite exciting!  However, I will only have a few days between receiving the papers and sending the finished diary cover back, a mix of fabrics, papers and stitching - so I need to do some serious planning and groundwork now!

There's also little rabbit which needs to have my attention too - well, it's not actually a rabbit yet, apart from in my head!  It's currently a neat little stack of gorgeous fabric, very kindly supplied by Guthri & Ghani

There's a superb natural linen for the body and some very lovely soft organic cotton and bamboo fabric for the clothes.  This rabbit will be like a rag doll (but with a rabbit face and big floppy ears) and clothed: there will be a boy and girl version.  This one's for Sewing World and will be published just in time for people to make him/her up as a Christmas gift.

*Betty was one of the nicest, most genuine and selfless people I ever met.  She didn't have kids of her own but adored running the toddler group and nobody ever went without a cuppa or a someone to talk to - and no toddler went without a hug (or a hand-knitted chocolate-filled mini-stocking at Christmas).  Her funeral was so packed, we stood outside in the street.  A wonderful lady, and one of those people who helped spread the word about crafts before we'd even heard of the internet.  Thank you Betty for everything you did.

Over to you - enjoy your Handmade Monday!


Free Spirit Designs said...

awwww what a lovely way to remember a dear friend :) those boxes look amazing and definitely an addiction worth passing on to the next generation!

It sounds like you have some wonderful projects on the go and that your skills are in much demand at the moment - how wonderful!

I am super excited to see how your bunny turns out - i am ready to adore him/her already! x

Highland Monkey's said...

That's a neat little box. Great way to use up all those scraps of paper and then decorate it.

Carolee Crafts said...

People come and go but inspirational people we meet through life always leave something behind for us to remember for years to come.

Planet Penny said...

I was enchanted to be taught how to make one of those boxes by a very small relative some years ago, she was SO proud! They are fantastic for using up pretty pieces of paper. Betty sounds a wonderful person, what a legacy to leave...

butterflyblossom said...

can't wait to see your diary cover, Paris is my favourite city and I love anything Paris inspired! X

Wendy said...

Butterfly Blossom - do you think I need a trip to Paris to ensure authenticity in this project?

butterflyblossom said...

Absolutely!! How else are you going to get the design perfectly reflecting the atmosphere and buzz that Paris has?! I'm available to help with the market research if needed!

Myth Illogical said...

I'm looking forward to the finished bunny, because that fabric looks lovely!

Blue Forest Jewellery said...

Goodness, thinking about next year already - you are so organised! I bet the bunny is going to be great - the fabric for his clothes is so cute. Have a great busy week,
Alison x

Wendy said...

Butterfly Blossom - maybe we should go there together ;-)

Blue Forest - seriously, I am *so* disorganised. This is all Craftseller's doing, not a sign of my skills in any way, and I guess they're just dragging me along with them :-)

Chris said...

Love the box, its a great way to use left over papers :)

Unknown said...

I really love the gift box!!!

Jenny said...

Love the box, would be a great way to use up some of my vintage annuals!

ClairLou said...

Great box, can see an additiction in the making.

testing said...

What wonderful gift boxes and how lovely that a little bit of Betty lives on in you and your sharing her gift boxes with us, thank you x

Susie said...

A super post today. Love the little box, and loved hearing about Betty. The bunny has me intrigued, your description sounds divine. I cannot wait.

Catherine McAtier said...

I'm loving your bamboo fabric and the boxes are gorgeous I can see a few of those making their way onto my Handmade Christmas List. Cx

fatmonica said...

Love the box and really want to know how you made it!

Susan J Barker said...

I was making those little boxes years ago too, and every now and then I need to do one up as a gift container...Thanks for the link up party, this is my first visit here so I will put you on my RSS feed and be back to visit again!

Bev Newman said...

The boxes intrigue me and I'll definitely be buying craft seller as I want to make some gift boxes for some of the smaller items I make and sell. Would be ideal in the run up to Christmas :-) Reading about your work with magazines is beginning to inspire a future goal :-)

Pickle Lily said...

You are incredibly busy at the moment!! Can't wait to see all your finished goodies, and thank-you for hosting Handmade Monday every week. Jo x

Unknown said...

lovely things entered so will be back for another browse. Just made a purchase as then found myself in wow thank you...

Martha said...

I didnt make it for hand made monday this time, which is a shame coz Ive got quite a lot to show :( but i can see some lovely creations in the gallery. im gonna go and have a wonder round the blogs.

you paper gift boxes reminded me that i used to make the same! they are cool and so easy to make. i used to make mine out of paper on which first i used to doodle some oriental designs then i painted them with watercolour paints. its a great idea to make a personal gift!

marileni said...