This week I seem to have made very little progress. The painting project is coming along slowly and the writing project...well, that's coming along even more slowly. Almost at stop, really.
A family funeral, followed closely by a migraine (quite possibly very closely related) did scupper much of the week. But when I came across this on Pinterest this morning
I was reminded that things don't always go smoothly for anyone. Throwing creativity into the mix, especially as a career choice, does make life a little more difficult at times - but also infinitely more worthwhile!
I'm aiming for ten or maybe twelve painted images that I'm happy with and have given myself four weeks to come up with them. I do have ten images already, but I'm only happy with five, so the other five don't count! They're mostly seaside images, fun and bright.
The photos here are close-ups of just a portion of the full image.
They're acrylics, some of them using watercolour techniques on watercolour paper with an ink outline. I like the sketchiness of the watercolour-style ones.
I've just realised the exact same pair of flip flops is in each picture. I have never owned a red pair of flip flops!
But I have been down the bottom of the garden in my dressing gown (and wellies - just out of shot!) to feed the chickens!
I keep noticing unfinished bits in these photos - she needs a shadow under her jaw, the dressing gown sleeve needs its outline finishing. So, even the ones I thought were done need touching up!
I'll be sending these images to a greetings card publisher when I have (what I think is) a good selection. It's something I've thought about doing for a long, long while but it scares me
Just a quick (but serious) note: please have a read of this post if you haven't already. While it's about trying to raise money, anyone who donates will be entered into a draw with some super amazing prizes. The story behind the reason for the fundraising is one of the saddest you will ever hear, and it's happened to a very talented artist/designer, Gretel Parker. UK crafters are known for their community spirit - and their love of a good arty prize - so please get involved! Even if you're feeling the pinch, you can donate as little as £1 and know that it will help. If you can't donate, maybe you could help spread the word? Maybe you could do both?
Meanwhile, I'd love to see what you've been creating this week, so...
please leave your link!
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(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
You poor thing - I do sympathise. It's hard enough sometimes to find enough time to cram everything in, but when you're ill or have an upsetting time, creativity just flies out of the window. I really like your images and hope that the publishers like them! Good luck getting the rest finished. Simmi xx
what lovely words. Am also sorry about your bad news.
I hope your week has improved as it went along. Your images are very appealing. The cat is very cute :)
Ha - the latter part of your post made me laugh. It's the bit about the dressing gown & wellies - I often sneak down to let Flora Puddleduck out in similar attire. And if it's chilly I wear a hat too!!! We girls have to keep up with the fashion.
Hope your migraine is gone - I do sympathise. Can't wait to see your designs in print - great idea.
Those are lovely words
The paintings look great, I particularly love the one with the hen - when you live in the middle of nowhere as I have done plenty of my life pottering down the garden in your dressing gown seems normal. I feel it's not quite so acceptable now I'm living in a town!
Wendy, your art is amazing! So full of heart and life, they will make gorgeous greetings cards, i look forward to seeing them!! :)
I've seen that quote before posted by someone on facebook - so true of the creative life of any self employed or free lance person... its a great life though isn't it! :) x
Things never seem to go smoothly when we want them to. Hope things improve for you soon.
Good luck with the card publishing. I'm keeping my fingers crossed it will be good news when you send your images.
I love the paintings, you have such a talent! Good luck with the publishing xx
I do love the cat one
Sorry to hear you've had a challenging week and I hope you've recovered from the migraine. Your pictures look great to me with all those lovely little details. I think as artists/designers we do have a tendency to be very self critical! Best of luck with the card range - we will all be crossing our fingers for you. Alison x
Hope you are feeling a bit better, well a lot better! The paintings you have done so far are lovely, cheerful and friendly. I am sure they will make great cards. I often nip out into the garden still in pj's and dressing gown walking to the shed and feeding the birds!
The words you posted are so appropriate through both good and sad times.
Wendy x
Hope you're feeling better now. The dressing gown lady is me....have you been lurking outside my cottage lol. Hope you get them printed one way or another they are brilliant.
Ha ha dressing gowns 'R' Us it seems. I am often at my sewing machine in mine. Sorry you've had a patchy week production wise. Its hard to juggle with several projects on the go at once. I am sure your designs will be successful, they look of a style that fits with one company I know. Try several companies there are others out there!!!
Your artwork is amazing! I'm sure it will be really popular with any company you approach. I hope your head is better xx
Sorry you have not had a good week. I occasionally get migraines, and they can be totally awful. Your paintings look great. Very vibrant. Can't wait to see the whole finished works.
Oh! I'm so sorry to hear you have had a sad week and on top of that a migraine hit you too. I do know how you feel as it has been pretty sad and grim week for me - some bad news coming from all directions. Never mind.It's goo there are other NICE things that can occupy our mind.
Your painting is really nice and i like the details of the sketches. it's lovely to see some beach themes on your blog - the beach huts always cheer me up!
Hi Wendy, I hope you are feeling better. The cat painting is so cute. I wish you well.
These paintings look great. Good luck with getting them all finished off. I'm sure they will make fab greetings cards.
I hope this week goes better for you. Love the words as they are so true. Thanks for sharing this with us. :)
Sorry to hear your sad news. I always wonder why a number of negative things seem to happen at the same time. I think your pictures look wonderful. I love your style of drawing (or should that be painting). They look like very happy images. Hope this week is a better one.
Ali x
Not a great week, and I do hope this week turns out better for you. Love the paintings, especially the cat.
Love the pictures - even though we live at the seaside I always get that holiday feeling when I see pictures like yours! As for the dressing gown - I usually wake up hearing the bin/recycling lorry and end up dealing with the rubbish with stuff thrown over pyjamas!! Hope you have a better week this week... Suex
I have those days too, but no matter how deflated I get I never feel as defeated as I did after a bad day in my old job. Chin up chuck, and start a fresh tomorrow :) x Absolutely love the paintings, they made me smile :) x
very impressive quality embroidery digitizing services !!
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