Sunday, 24 August 2014

Handmade Monday 182

Welcome to Handmade Monday!

I'm aware I've been neglecting my magazine work recently and I don't seem to have made anything for magazines for a couple of months now.  In fact, the last thing I made might have been these coin purses, which are now in this month's Sewing World...

...and I did promise to send them more ideas soon.  I suspect soon has been and gone already *hangs head in shame*

In the meantime I've been busy with images for art licensing.  I'm becoming obsessed with the process, especially the digital part.  Maybe it's the learning of new skills, maybe it's the combination of colour and pattern - or maybe it's just the fact that it's a lot of fun building up a collection of images!

In Quentin news, his paws were looked at and it was decided he was a little flat-footed; there were some technical words that apparently meant his lower legs slope a bit more forward than they should do. I was told it probably will be OK (but goes some way to explain why he trips up quite frequently) but he will be seen by Guide Dogs' own vet later this week.

It didn't stop him enjoying a good long walk at Delamere Forest today!

When you visit a forest, you don't expect views like this...

at the top of the hill you can see no less than seven counties.  It was worth the trek up - there are benches to enjoy the views and rocks telling you which counties you can see and how far away they are!

The benches were great opportunities for Quentin to practise waiting - working guide dogs spend quite a bit of their time waiting around, so this is a great skill to develop...

but it can be quite hard when you are only seven months and just want to play!

What has your week been like?  Join in with Handmade Monday and we can visit you...


JENNY said...

I'm sure you will get back into the magazine stuff again soon. Your new designs are looking totally fab! Xx

Suze Bain said...

There's just not enough hours in the day! x

Sarah - The Lilac Dragonfly said...

I'm loving the birds!! Quentin is simply gorgeous xxx

Unknown said...

The views from the forest look amazing, I can't believe you can see seven counties! Those little purses are very cute too :)

Patchwork Fairy said...

I love Delamere forest too and Quentin just gets more and more adorable - I want one!!

Dawn Hart said...

Sounds like Quentin has sloping pasterns, fingers crossed its just his bones growing at different rates.

Loving your birds x

Vicky said...

Looks like you're in a lovely part of the world, lots of arty inspiration from the landscape! Have a great Monday :)

Sum of their Stories said...

I love those little pirate purses, what a good idea. I think you have been pretty busy so no "hanging head in shame" required! Thanks for the lovely photos of Quentin, they make my week!

Lucy Blossom said...

I loved those purses when I saw them in the magazine, I didn't realise you made them and they're fantastic.

Unknown said...

Hi Wendy!

It's been almost 3 months since I last participated in Handmade Monday and I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed it this week. Thank you again for hosting! x

Anonymous said...

Poor Quentin. Waiting is so difficult when you are young! What will happen to him if he is not suitable as a Guide Dog?

Lilly's Mom said...

Congrats on having your design featured in the magazine. Quentin is quite an amazing dog. He's so cute!

Wendy said...

Dawn - yes, that's what it looks like.

Lilmagpie - there's a robust programme in place for "failed" guide dogs: they can be placed as buddy dogs for blind or partially sighted children, they can become other assistance dogs or other working dogs, they can be offered back to the puppy walker as a pet or they can be offered to the general public as a pet. There is a long waiting list of people wanting to adopt them, so there's never a problem about them being unwanted.